Thursday, September 1, 2011

Analysis Paralysis

Sociologists call it Analysis Paralysis and to some degree, we all have experienced it. Analysis Paralysis is that instance whereby we research, discuss, think about, reconsider a course of action and then we start the mental process over and over again, but never take the step towards realizing our goal. A simple example might be the newest tech gadget. You are ready to purchase the newest iPhone only to discover a new version is on the horizon. Even though the current iPhone is exactly what you want, exactly what you need, your inability to commit, paralyzes you into inaction. We layman sometimes refer to this as 'a deer caught in headlights.'

As a home buyer, what keeps you from making that decision to buy? What are you analyzing to the point of making no decision? What is paralyzing you? You know what you are looking for- you know the location you want to live, you know the size of home you need, you know how much you can spend, but you take no action. The current interest rates are highly affordable, home prices are in your favor, but you don't take that next step. Many home buyers feel they would be making a mistake because right after they buy a home, they are afraid they will have missed 'The One.' The one home that would have made them truly happy, would have given them 100 percent peace of mind, the one home that would be forever maintenance free, would cost them two dollars less a month for electric. Some buyers want to analyze the market to the point of absurdity. They want to be sure they are not paying 3 cents more per square foot than the home that just sold down the block, they pick apart a home's characteristics such as a paint color, almost as if to intentionally sabotage their own goal. Even though they found their dream home, their Analysis Paralysis will keep them from reaching their goal.

What is your Analysis Paralysis?

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